
Technical Superiority
Technical Superiority
Create and achieve industry leaders


Aluminum electrolytic capacitors are the cornerstone of the development of modern electronic information industry. As the corematerial,electrode foil is called the "CPU" of aluminum electrolytic capacitors, which determines most of its performance.And was included in the "Guiding Catalogue of Key Products and Services in Strategic Emerging Industries" by the National Development and Reform Commission.

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曲靖市| 栖霞市| 贺州市| 牙克石市| 武宁县| 民丰县| 时尚| 平果县| 洛隆县| 东至县| 建水县| 汉源县| 青冈县| 穆棱市| 湘潭县| 昆明市| 江城| 西吉县| 洛川县| 澜沧| 印江| 嘉祥县| 鹤庆县| 呼和浩特市| 奉贤区| 噶尔县| 嘉禾县| 巍山| 张家港市| 花莲县| 桦南县| 信阳市| 扎囊县| 诏安县| 沂源县| 西青区| 榆树市| 施甸县| 汉沽区| 宿州市| 息烽县|